Here you can create a payment link and accept card transactions. You don't have to wait or make your own website. You can start right now.
Instant transactions from all around the world to your account
Your money is safe in your account, for as long as you need them to be
Funds are available on your account immediately after the transaction is confirmed
There are no chargebacks for payments that were successfully credited
Enter the payment data like the amount, currency, payment fee, additional.
Send your payment link via messenger app, social nwtwork, email or using the auto-generated QR code.
Receive instant payment to your CARDLINK account, and withdraw from it to your card.
CARDLINK allowes you to generate payment links. By opening your link, your client will proceed to the CARDLINK online payment form, where he or she can enter his credit or debit card data to pay for your goods or services. After bank finalizes client's payment, funds will be instanly credited to your CARDLINK account.
Your application will be processed soon. It usually takes up to 48 hours