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How to withdraw your money


You balance consist of two parts:

  • Available balance
  • Reserve

All payments from cards stay in reserve for 168 hours. For example, if you got pay Wednesday, you would see it at available balance on the next Wednesday. And it will be exactly the same for a new payment on Thursday. If you got a new payment on Thursday you will see it at available balance on next Thursday and so on.

In some cases reserve period can be increased up to 30 days.

How to add withdrawal methods

Withdrawal methods:

  • Credit and debit cards
  • Qiwi wallets

1. You need to press the Withdrawal link in the menu.


2. Pres the "Withdrawal methods"  tab

Withdrawal methods
3. Then press the card icon and enter card data or telephone number of your Qiwi wallet.

Withdrawal methods

Write off from CARDLINK but didn't buy anything?

CARDLINK is a payment link creation tool for accepting payments. If you see CARDLINK in your bank statement, then the funds were debited using the payment link created using our service.

We will help you deal with this payment. Please fill out the form and we will answer you within 48 hours.

Your application will be processed soon. It usually takes up to 48 hours